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Customers are also looking for the “wow” factor in B2B

Aleksander Mitrovic

3D product visualization has long been an integral part of engineering. Companies use 3D data of products to better explain and illustrate new products in non-technical areas such as marketing or purchasing. This treasure should be shared with customers and used for commercial processes such as lead generation. After all, prospects and customers who can configure a product themselves with visual support and see every change in real time build an emotional connection to "their" product and are directly involved in finding a solution.

By using modern technologies for visual product configuration, companies enable direct interaction with products. For example, switches and other elements of a control panel can be selected and positioned exactly as required using drag and drop. The selected position is validated and, if valid, immediately displayed. Particularly convenient: If the switch is in an invalid position, alternatives are automatically suggested. Such functions are particularly useful if less technically experienced users are also to use the solution advisor, for example on the company's website.

B2B wow factor

Another possible application for visual product configuration: sales staff can discuss products and solutions with the customer and vividly answer any questions that arise about the chosen color, material or spatial requirements. This creates trust in the products and facilitates the purchase decision.

Sales helps to avoid order errors

Intelligent and visual product configuration that collects real time data data from various systems ( CRM , CAD, PLM, ERP) simplifies and accelerates sales processes and makes sales the starting point for smart manufacturing. The underlying platform ensures that configured products are always technically correct. In addition, it automatically generates quotation documents, parts lists, design data and other accompanying documents and, in the event of an order, forwards the data relevant for order processing to the downstream processes. This not only makes sales processes more effective, but also helps to avoid order errors and expensive change orders.

There are many good reasons why manufacturing companies should not only think about Manufacturing 4.0 when it comes to digitalization and Industry 4.0. Successful digital transformation also includes the use of digital sales tools to offer new and updated products faster across all sales channels. Using the right digital tools not only makes B2B sales fit for the digital age, but also brings the "wow" factor to B2B sales by:

  • engaging the customer in the sales process from the beginning

  • enabling a better and deeper understanding of the products and solutions

  • complementing and adding value to "analog" sales as a digital solution advisor

  • enabling end-to-end processes - from lead generation to order processing

  • supporting the shift to smart and intelligent manufacturing strategies.

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